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Photo Credit: www.thewire.com |
Perhaps it has to do with being an only child? No one to follow, and always being independent? I really don't know. But, having matured significantly since high school, I am so thankful, and honestly proud of myself that I didn't fall into that pit of "everyone look at me because I'm so popular". I'm convinced it's saved me lots of heartache, wasted time, and would have robbed me from much joy that I have otherwise experienced. I am so thankful that early on I discovered that being me was all that I needed to be---regardless of what anyone else thought. I have found many true friends who have stuck by me to love me for who I am----not some popular facade.
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Photo Credit: www.allamericanblogger.com |
I've been out of high school 9 years, and the things that have transpired have amazed me. In those 9 years I have spent 4 years at college and obtained a bachelor's degree, married my best friend, bought a farm, had two beautiful children, added onto our house, tripled our flock of sheep, and the list goes on and on. The decisions made in the last 9 years---specifically those post-college--- have really defined my life, and who I am.
I suppose that's no big surprise. We all graduate high school with well-wishes, and great hopes of things to come. Perhaps some of us are disappointed in the outcome---but I must say, I am very very thankful for the road I have chosen. I can't take credit for any of it. God has truly led my every step. However choosing, by faith, God's way rather than my own (not usually the popular choice) has really made life A LOT easier. I have avoided much heartache that I have seen many of my peers face. As I have said many times before---God's ways are the best. Why? Well, perhaps the one that is the author of all things, and the very one who knit you together knows a thing or two more than we do.
Easier to say than to do---and much harder to teach. I certainly haven't made all of the correct decisions in my life, but I have desired to follow God though it all. However, now, with two little kiddos, I have the great honor, privileged, and task ahead of me of teaching them to follow the straight and narrow. To me, that's SO much more difficult. Especially today, when there always seems to be more and more things to "derail" you from God's path.
The media wants you to think that you aren't pretty enough, or skinny enough. They tell you that unless you are a size "0" and look like the models plastered across the magazines at the grocery check-out, you aren't valuable. They want you to think that unless you hair is perfectly straight, your teeth are bleach white, and you have the most expensive, trendiest cloths out that you could never amount to anything. That unless you work out 7 days a week, go on an all vegan (which doesn't exist by the way---another topic for another day lol) organic, juicing diet that you are out of shape and killing your body with harmful chemicals that will give you cancer by age 40.
I'm not saying all of these things are bad---however, the concepts in which the media (popular bandwagon) tries to appeal, are indeed harmful. Contrary to popular belief, you can wear a size 8 or even 10 (heaven forbid) jeans and still be healthy, if your teeth aren't the shade of your printer paper you won't be shunned from society, and if you eat a hamburger every once and a while you won't get cancer from MSG's and die next week. {GASP!!!}
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Photo Credit: www.cartoonstock.com |
Yes yes....homosexuality. This is a very good example of this verse. Those speaking out today for traditional marriage are literally hated. Don't believe me? Go on an open forum online, put your name and e-mail address down, and simply state, "homosexuality is sin", and watch your inbox light up with disrespectful, vicious messages, and even death threats---seriously!!! Tolerance at its best----LOL.
God's word gives us clear instructions for life, and it isn't typically a popular route.
Now, with our world today, I have even a greater challenge to equipment my kids not just with a sense of doing what is right, just, and the will of God---but now needing to teach them that in order to stand up for the less popular opinion, they must endure an onslaught of hate, criticism, threats, verbal abuse, and downright awful behavior from others. I have to teach them that they will be hated, and somehow instill in their hearts the love of Christ which will endure through it all. Matthew 5:11 says, "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you who people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
If my kids know their true treasure in heaven, and the love of Christ, standing up for the word of God isn't nearly as difficult.
Matthew 6:19-22 states, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heave, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
So---regardless of your belief system---atheist, agnostic, Christian, Jew, Muslim....we all agree on one thing. One day...we will die. Yep. It's gonna happen! Face it, every day we live is one day closer to our death. We may die at 25 in a car accident, at 50 from cancer, or 85 from old age.....but it will happen. So...let's say you get that size "0" body you want, perfectly white teeth, and never eat meat again. How much good is that going to do you in a coffin? Really? Or at age 75, do you really think you're going to still match the standard of beauty you did at age 25? You're fighting a loosing battle.
Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Back in Matthew 6:19-22, when God talks about storing up treasures in heaven, I definitely don't think He had "obtaining a perfect body" or "the whitest teeth" or "the fanciest house" in mind. Sure we're to take care of ourselves, and the things God has given us, but being obsessed with our popular cultures idea of the perfect house, the perfect diet, the perfect outfit, the perfect hair, the perfect _____ (fill in the blank) is very damaging to our souls and wastes much needed efforts in doing what we need to be doing to further God's kingdom.
How much more valuable is cooking a meal for someone in need, praying for those weighing on your heart, or spending time with your kids? I'm not saying I do it all right. I slip up, I fail daily, and by no means do my desires match up with what God wants for me all the time. I desire worldly things at times to. Does it matter that my house is perfectly organized, clean, and well-kept in the grand scheme of things? NO! But, I still stress about it, and desire for the best kept house I can have. I'm not perfect---and even though I desire God, that doesn't mean I always do the things I know I should do---or even want to do. Paul said in Romans 7:18-20 "For I know the good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do no do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do-- this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it."
It's a struggle that's existed from the beginning of time since Adam and Eve first sinned in the garden of Eden.
Equipping my kids with the tools necessary to deal with our corrupt world is a huge task at hand. One in which I could not do alone without the help of God.
Thankfully, I have that promise.
"Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
God bless everyone! Have a great week, and keep fighting the good fight!