Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Learning how to be the blessing

Learning how to be a blessing to others isn't the easiest task, that's for sure. Teaching others to be the blessing is even more difficult. Why? We are selfish beings. Our thoughts are (typically) consumed with "I" thoughts. What would I like to eat for lunch? How can I save myself money? What kind of new dining room table would I like? What kind of vacation would I like to take this year? What kind of new car would I like to drive? Etc....the list goes on! 

There's not really anything wrong with thinking about ourselves.  God has blessed us with the provisions we have, the jobs we work at to earn income,  and even our homes. Those things are all good. However, dare I say, I think as a society our thoughts are too frequently consumed with ourselves, and not nearly enough for our struggling "neighbor". 
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Romans 15:2 says, "We should help others, do what is right, and build them up in the Lord"

Luke 6:30 states, "Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back."

This is definitely my own inference here, but to me this is as if God is saying, "If they need it that bad, then let them take it!" At least that's been my own attitude towards circumstances when I was wronged. However, the message is clear that Christ wants us to help our fellow brothers who are in need.

Christ raises the bar even further,  by challenging us not to just give to those in need, and help a struggling brother---but to pray for, help, and give to our enemies and those that hurt us.

Luke 6:32-36 says, "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit it that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back."

Now....teaching this to your kids is a whole new ball game. Why? Your kids are sinners. That sweet little, innocent looking, adorable child that is your own blood and flesh is really quite sinful, and ugly inside. Don't believe me? Check out Psalm 51:5. It says, "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me." Yup. There it is. Our sweet little "innocent' children aren't so innocent. They don't have to be taught to deceive. Just ask that 2-year old who took the veggies on her plate and hid them from mom, so she could have dessert. Or, that 8 month old that is now mobile helping himself to anything around the house that he might like--- and throwing a tantrum when you won't let him chew on electrical chords because they are "his". 

Kids are selfish. By nature we are all selfish. We spend the rest of our lives trying to learn how to be unselfish and giving. We perhaps sponsor a child in need, or tithe at church. Maybe we spend part of our valuable time visiting the elderly or sick, or maybe cook a meal for a family in need. They are all little things---but, I can tell you from experience it's not easy. Which is funny---because giving is actually enjoyable! I truly get joy from giving to others, and seeing them reap the benefits. So, why is it so hard?  It all goes back to the sin. Its easier to go plop down on the couch after work and relax watching a movie rather than cooking a meal for someone in need. It's easy to say, "I'm just too busy" with my kids, to take time and visit with the elderly folks who don't have any family. We make up all kinds of excuses in our minds! I do it too---goodness knows I'm not immune to this!

Paul says in Romans 7:15, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do" 

Even Paul realized the struggle that exists within us because of our sin nature. He had good intentions---but didn't always do good. He continues on in verses 18 and 19 to say, "For I know that good itself does not swell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do--- this I keep on doing."

But, to teach our kids how to give and help others---we have to model it. I'm convinced the old saying, "Do as I say, not as I do" is terribly incorrect. Kids DO as their parent's DO. If you want your kids to learn how to give, model it. You can tell them all day long, and it won't have the impact on them like physically doing it yourself. If you make a habit of it, your kids will pick up on that.  Just like if you use foul language, your kids will pick up on that too.  Especially when they are little, they are learning so much from you! 

I have tried modeling giving to those in need to my kids. My daughter is particularly at the age where she is beginning to realize the world doesn't revolve around her. This past winter I hit a major bargain----I found 58 packages of Pampers diapers marked 75% off! Those of you who know me, know I LOVE me some good bargain shopping--- and this was an amazing deal. I think I ended up paying around $100 for over 1,500 diapers. Those of you who dont have kids reading this might think that's a crazy amount of diapers----it's not. LOL Especially with 2 in diapers! :) Anyways-- 2 days after my big buy, I heard on the radio that locally our town was collecting diapers to give to families in need. My first reaction? I'm embarrassed to say this, but it was, "But I need these diapers for MY kids....why should I give them away when I just scored a HUGE sale that will save us hundreds of dollars???" After some thinking, I realized these diapers were an unexpected blessing from God, and God was now showing me a need. So....I need to fill it. I prayed about it, and God did change my heart. We decided to give away 1/3 of all of the diapers I was able to find that day. We were still abundantly blessed---but now several families would be blessed by our giving. In fact, when my daughter went with me to the drop-off location, I was so filled with joy as she helped me carry in a couple dozen packages of diapers. It may not have been much, but we were able to do a little good for some families in need. We were blessed---and we were then able to be a blessing to others. How awesome is that?!

I tell you this story not to boast on my behalf.  Goodness knows there are plenty of other times when my sin and selfishness have influenced me to make poor decisions. But giving is much like exercising. You feel better after you do it, but it takes some effort, pain, and training to get yourself in shape to where giving becomes easier, more natural, and eventually second nature!

If you a reading this, I have a challenge for you. Let's try and make the world a little better place this week by helping someone in need. Maybe do the grocery shopping for an elderly couple, or mow the yard for a widow in need. Visit the cancer center of a hospital, and read to those receiving treatments. Bless someone underprivileged with a gift card to a grocery store, or babysit the kids of a couple you know so they can have a nice private dinner together. If you don't know of a need, pray for one. I am convinced God will show you a need you can fulfill without searching far and wide. There are people around us every day that need help, so let's make a difference this week in someone's life. Let us be a blessing to others! Have a great week everyone!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My most unpopular post, I guarantee it!!!!!

Yup. I'm going there. Homosexuality.

I'll preface this article with a disclaimer: If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to stop reading it. No one is holding your eyelids open forcing you to look at this screen of text. In fact, you clicked on the link to get to this page in the first place by your own choice. This is my personal blog, and I'm here to speak freely about issues that weigh on my heart. I'm NOT here to be politically correct. I welcome any and all to view what I have to say---but I will not tolerate foul language, or belittling and rude comments. If you desire to start a debate with me you must know this: if you're trying to change my mind, you're wasting your time. However, if you {sinlessly} die for my sins, and rise from the dead---I'd be inclined follow you anywhere.

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The main reasons I'm addressing this issue--1) It's weighing on my heart to speak the truth of God's word. 2) This issues (as you know) is most certainly at the forefront of today's "hot button issues" and is worth discussion. 3.) (MOST important in my opinion) This issue attacks the very idea of the core family unit, and I am most certainly in the business of families.  I feel that this issue very much applies directly to my children and how they will grow and mature into functional adults within the society we live.

So, where to begin on such a large, controversial topic? Let's start with the very popular term these days of tolerance. When I "Googled" this word (Google is a very liberal organization mind you) the #1 definition that came up was,"The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular to the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with." Gotcha. Right there in the definition, it says, "to the existence or opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with" In other words, if I tolerate it, that doesn't mean I have to agree with it, or even like it---but I acknowledge that it does indeed exist, and that I'm fine with other people making different decisions (or in this case different lifestyle choices) than my own.

Fine by me. My opinions are mine, and I'm free to express them in this country. Do I expect everyone to agree with me. No. Do I want everyone to agree with me. No. I'm a flawed human being, and there is no way I'm going to tell someone that all of my ideas and perceptions are absolutely 100% correct. However, the Bible {life of Christ} IS the only thing that is 100% correct, unflawed, and perfect. So, I will follow that to the best of my ability, and encourage others to do the same.

So, when it comes to other individuals opinions--they can (and should) have them. Should they expect everyone to follow their ideas and jump on their bandwagon of "being homosexual" is right and correct? No. Are they entitled to their opinion---yes, of course. That my friend, is tolerance.

Now, the next part I'd like to address is the misrepresentation of the Bible and God's Holy word. God gave us brains---that means we're to use them. Perhaps some of our brains don't work quite as well as others---and I'd have to put myself into that category some days. But never-the-less we're given common sense to use it.  Too many people that do misquote or misrepresent the Bible are those that have not read it themselves.  They are taking bits and pieces of scripture and making it say what they want it to say to fit their own agenda---not God's.  Goodness knows, my agenda isn't God's agenda most of the time---but that's the tough part about being a Christian and being dedicated to following God's word; sometimes we have to go back and study what God says to really apply it correctly to our lives.

Those that feebly attempt to quote things like, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1 and use that as their rock to stand on in promoting the homosexual lifestyle are terribly miss-informed, and haven't done their homework in knowing what God's word really says.

Think about this. Voltaire, a French enlightenment writer, is famously known for the quote, "I disprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it." However, the actual quote he wrote was, "Think for yourselves, and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too" directly from Voltaire's essay on TOLERANCE....imagine that! The first quote gives the impression that somehow Voltaire will defend and promote the opposition; while the second quote is simply stating that everyone is entitled to their own opinion---free to think for themselves! That doesn't mean we have to agree with each other. Context is truly everything. I could take a common classic book, misquote it, and convince someone who has never read the text that it is about and stands for something completely different than what is actually written.

This whole argument of "not judging" others is quite humorous to me.  It's like saying, "Don't think for yourselves!" Really. I proposed this question to an individual a few weeks ago and I think it bears repeating.  If a man decides to go out on a mass murdering rampage because he's simply angry with someone, does that make it okay to kill them? Absolutely not. If I tell that murderer that he shouldn't murder, that's not hate speech, it's good judgement. I think most of us would agree that murder is wrong. Why do we feel this way? Because of common sense---and in doing so we're making a judgement. Whether you believe it or not, that inclination within you knowing that murder is wrong, was put there by God Himself. He made you, He created every fiber of your being, and He gave you a conscience. Use it.

I also chuckle when I see others using the oh-so-popular name-calling argument of "homophobia". Some might call me homophobic because of my views.  However, I have friends, good friends, who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle---and we're still good friends. Why---because we both know what the definition of tolerance means! Now, the last time I checked, to be "phobic" of something you have to be scared of it. I assure you I'm not afraid of my friends. lol The notion makes me smile actually. I may not agree with their views, but that doesn't mean I treat them with any less love or kindness. I still respect them as human beings---after all I'm a sinner just like them! Who says my sins are any better?! They aren't! In fact, I'm on the same level as the murderer! I am deserving of hell---but because I have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus, I will not get what I deserve, but will undeservingly sit next to my savior in heaven. Now that is awesome news!

Now, the last and most important issue I feel compelled to speak about. The family unit. God loves the family---he created it! He made the first two humans---one male, one female, and instructed them to fill the earth and multiply.  Here's where common sense comes into play again. Male + male or female + female can never = a baby in any natural setting.  God also created males and females to be very different from one another (not just anatomically). In a very broad sense, women are emotional, great helpers/ nurturers and they crave conversation, support, and love/ protection. Men crave respect, assurance, and are task oriented; making women helpers a perfect fit for their needs. Likewise, the woman craves the support, protection and love of her husband. A homosexual couple is never actually able to have the same level of emotional, physical, and spiritual connectedness a heterosexual couple can. Period. We're just made that way! Men and women are uniquely, and carefully made so that we complement each other. We're also wired very differently in the area of raising kids. I could literally fill hundreds of paragraphs with the information in gender-specific hormones which make us 'wired' the way we are. Bonding hormones, the release of estrogen or testosterone within the system etc. But without delving into endocrinology, in the most over-simplistic way, a child absolutely needs, with no question, a mother and a father to develop a healthy, God-desired sense of well being and maturity.  There are just some things women can't specifically offer, and certain things men can't specifically offer.We're different beings made to do two different, but equally important jobs! God created the family unit to exist-- and created needs within the child for BOTH a mother and a father; and created Adam and Eve as the first two humans to demonstrate that exact fact.

If you need further Biblical examples Leviticus 20:13 states, "If there is a man who lies with another male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed the detestable act; they shall surely be put to death." Of course this is old-testament preaching, which is before Christ died Himself for such detestable sins---but the point should be clear now, if it was punishable by death in these old-testament times.

In the new testament, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 also supports this same notion by stating,"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." That is a pretty clear warning. Now---as stated per context, this is addressing an un-saved individual. One who is not saved by grace through faith in Christ. The last part of this verse, "But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." Shows the transition of these people. Their old ways have passed away, and through the renewal of the mind, and infiltration of the spirit, Christ has given them new life. Yes! There is hope for anyone! However, there has to be a willingness to change, or we shall all be "stuck" in the first half of this verse.

Romans 1:26-28 also supports this same idea by stating, "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing the shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done." This, for me is a very sobering notion. This verse states (more than once!) the phrase, "God gave them up to..." indicating, God does have limits. We as a nation, by encouraging the homosexual lifestyle, are hurting our children in more than one way. We are literally nurturing the corrupt thinking of this world, with twisted ideas of the "family unit", that will ultimately fail with much turmoil, pain, and suffering for our children and grandchildren to come. God will not tolerate ungodly, immoral, dishonorable behavior forever. His rath will eventually come.

One thing to keep in mind in reading these commands, is that God is not a bully. His commandments are put there for good reasons. He knows what is best for us, and the limitations he has set for us (his children) are because he doesn't want to see us hurt. He made the world we live in, so don't you think he knows how it works best? We already live in a world of sin, a world which we brought upon ourselves by the fall of the human race in the garden of Eden. We are all born into this sin, driven apart from God, and need Christ's blood to purify us. Despite our disobedience in Eden, God STILL loves us, and wants to see us come back to him--- and these commands are put in place because he LOVES and doesn't want to see us hurt.

Think about this fact for a moment. The God of the universe--- the one who made everything you see--- every leaf, insect, giraffe, electron, planet, cloud, and hair on your very head THINKS about you, and LOVES you.  Really!! He MADE you. Psalm 139 17-18 states, "How precious are your thoughts to me, oh God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with you."

He is our father, and He truly knows what is best for us. Just like our own children---we have rules set to keep them safe and healthy because we want the best for them. We have "been there done that" before our kids, and we would like to try and help them avoid some of the poor decisions that we made. My 2-year old doesn't know why I make her brush her teeth, or eat her vegetables. She doesn't understand why she can't run outside in shorts with 6 inches of snow on the ground, or why she has to sit in a car seat.  Her capacity to think and understand consequences hasn't developed yet. She needs a parent to make the right decisions for her, and set rules to follow for her benefit.

The rules that God sets for us are not for his benefit, but for ours. He doesn't want us to deal with the heartache of divorce, so he made the marriage covenant permanent and in Malachi 2:16 he even states, "For I hate divorce". He doesn't want us to kill and murder (Matthew 5:21), because he knows the pain, anguish, and sadness it will cause to the lives involved. He forbids the homosexual lifestyle, because he knows it breaks down the basic family unit, and have lasting impacts for generations to come.  It isn't that you can't do these things; it's that you shouldn't. God is very clear.

So, do I think I'm going to change the world with this blog entry? Of course not. Loose a few friends over it? Maybe. But that's truly okay. I was raised with morals, values, and God's holy word, and if I must sacrifice a few "friends" because they cannot be tolerant of my view, that's fine. I will not change my opinion to the more popular world view to gain popularity or friendships. I'm not here to be popular, I'm here to be me and to speak the truth. This subject heavily weighs upon my heart, because I truly desire the lost to see their fulfillment in Christ. I have met so many individuals (even homosexual individuals) who are hurting because of past and current decisions they have made which go against the words of God. No one is EVER too far gone for Christ to save them, and pull them out of the depths of their suffering. In Him there is peace and rest.

Matthew 7:7 
"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."