Monday, March 10, 2014

I am me, and that's all I can be

If you're visiting for the first time, welcome! We're in the same boat! I am new to this whole 'blogging' idea, and I am learning as I go. My goal in setting up this page is to share a little of my real life with you all, and hopefully make a few friends along the way. So if you're interested in hearing a few of my day-to-day meanderings, humorous stories (who doesn't like to laugh at themselves from time to time), struggles, and enjoy some fellowship---- grab a cup of coffee and read on!

A bit about myself:
First and foremost I am a sinner saved by grace through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is my rock and my shelter, and how amazing it is to be His child! My greatest desire in life is to please Him, and seek Him in all that I do. I am also a wife to an amazing husband, Nicholas, since September 2009 and a mommy to two beautiful, snuggly, giggly little blessings--- Deborah (August 2011) & Eli (September 2013). We live on a little 7-acre farm, and raise, breed, sell, and show purebred Hampshire sheep and club lambs. I do work a part-time job out of the home as a Laboratory Technician (which I do thoroughly love), however, I consider my main and most important job being a mommy to two amazing little kiddos; and raising them to love and know their Lord with all their hearts. After having our first baby in 2011, I decided to quit my full-time job to spend more time at home with my little girl. It's a decision I have not regretted in the least, and know that these babies are only young for just a few years---and those few years are precious, quick, and worth every moment of my time and sacrifice.

Here is one of my favorite images and quotes found in another post via Focus on the Family:

What I'm not:

I'm not a writer. I think my grammar and writing is okay---but goodness knows I'm no writer. I write how I speak, and I'm not here to win any contests. So if you're looking for perfectly crafted sentences and punctuation, I'm afraid you will have to look elsewhere! 

I'm not here to be politically correct. I'm well aware much of the world these days has very differing views from my own.  And that's fine, really! I have no problem being the minority. I can only be me, and I don't want to be anyone else.  God wants me to be me, and so I shall be!   God's word is the only true, never-changing word I will choose to follow. The words, desires, and ways of man change from decade to decade--- God's word is unchanging and perfect. However, if you have differing views than my own, that's great! How boring would this world be if God made us all the same? We are all together in this beautiful, crazy, hectic thing called life, so why not make a few friends along the way? :)

I am NOT perfect. So so far from perfect. I fail every day. But that's ok! My God is greater than my failures and I know I can always go back to Him to pick me right back up. I desire to find God not just in church, but the everyday and mundane.  Let's face it---life isn't always pretty. Especially when you're a mommy of little ones.  There are stresses, there are worries, and some times there are just downright bad days! There are days when the baby has vomited for the 3rd time on your only clean pair of dress pants left, when you're already late for church, and you're forced to make the decision I stay home, or do I put jeans on and truck it into church anyway? But you can ALWAYS find good in every situation--- and if you CHOOSE to see the good in it all, life is quite beautiful. <3 So....would I rather have baby vomit-covered pants, or not have the blessing of my wonderful son? It's all perspective....

I suppose that about sums it up! This blog is here to share in life's joys and even sorrows with others out there---and I hope you will join me. 

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