I'm learning a lot from my kids. Some of the lessons are good, and some are more humbling---but either way I'm learning. I think many parents underestimate how much they have to learn from their growing kiddos. In the simplest form, they teach us to remember how simple the world can be. How much fun, and thrilling it can be when your only worries are what game to play next; and the most troubling issue of the day is laying still for a nap. They bring out the pureness of life and give us a glimpse back at what it was like before all of the world's issues, demands, and corruption coated our hearts and souls. I believe that children are indeed a blessing from the Lord.
Psalm 127:3 states, "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward" (NASB) They bless us in ways that we don't recognize, and I think many of the times those instances of "blessing" are viewed more a trials, and frustrations--- but the fruit those experiences produce in our lives proves otherwise. "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."
John 15:2
My daughter is two and a half. Those of you who have experience with two and a half year-olds know full well the challenges they present. They are becoming aware that they are their own little person, and enjoy exercising their free will----even when it doesn't agree with mom and dad! My daughter loves to push my buttons! :) However, I could view that as a frustration (and many times in the moment I do!) or I could view that as a learning experience. I can better myself and my child through this challenge presented to me, or I can choose to simply be frustrated.

Many parents have shared with me that in parenting, the days are long, but the months are short. I couldn't agree more!!! They day-to-day challenges with kiddos can be overwhelming sometimes. But at the end of the month---or sometimes even the end of the week--- I look back at those times of struggle, and I see the fruits of how my daughter is learning, growing and maturing. Because I didn't give-in and let my daughter eat dessert before finishing her vegetables (despite her fit), she's learned to not even ask for dessert before her plate is clean. Because I've requested again, and again, and again (and again!) for her to pick up her dirty cloths and put them in the cloths hamper---she now does it willingly on her own without being told. Because I've made her say "please" and "thank you" every time she asks for, or receives something--- she now does it automatically, even when interacting with someone she doesn't know. Because we pray together, every single time, before we eat---she won't even take a taste of food before praying first. These are just a few very simple examples---but my point is there. The fruit of my efforts is slowly being seen. I am being blessed by her each day. I am actually shaping the views, morals, values, and knowledge of this littler person God entrusted me with. How awesome is that!!!

Goodness knows I'm not perfect-- and neither is my daughter. She has her bad days and so do I! We're human, it's to be expected. But choosing to persevere and take that extra moment to read "Green Eggs and Ham" literally for the 8th time that day to show my daughter she's important to me, and that she is valuable enough to have my time and attention, WILL payoff.
Now---what am I learning by reading "Green Eggs and Ham" 8 times a day other than memorizing the book, and learning to speak in rhymes quite well? Well, patience for one!! I have gained A LOT of patience overall since having kids. Self-sacrifice is another good one. How many times have I put off a shower, or even lunch for myself to make sure my kiddos are attended to---too many to count! I've most certainly learned to be more organized! How to organize my own time (every minute counts!), how to organize my house, how to organize our bills, and financial paperwork. Adding kiddos to any situation helps you get organized really fast, or you're in over your head in no time! Multitasking is another life skill I've mastered. The other day I made an entire corn casserole while holding my 7-month old, and fixing lunch for my daughter.

The more humbling things I've learned? That I'm not a very nice person some days---and that despite it all, I am still a very selfish, self-seeking human being. I love my kids---but there are some days I'd rather take a nap then play "horsey" with Deborah, or entertain Eli with funny faces. There are some days when I'd literally give someone $100 to sleep for 2 hours, or to take a shower---or better yet a bath! There are some days when my sweet innocent little girl, in all her cuteness, makes googly eyes and asks to go to the park---but I just can't muster up the energy to pack up two kiddos and go. Maybe it's the thought of the 8 loads of laundry waiting on me, or the sink full of dishes that discourage me. Either way, I don't always prioritize how I should.
Yet, when I do, I see the fruits of my labor. I see a little girl growing up with respect for her family, love for her brother, and a desire to understand more about God. It's a marathon, not a sprint. I will see the benefits slowly over the many years to come.
All of the momma's reading this---don't give up! Keep fighting the good fight, and go that extra mile for your kids. Persevere through difficult times and circumstances, guiding your children all the way. God will bless you for your efforts, and over time, you will see the fruits of your labor. There is nothing sweeter than when your kids not only bless you, but become a blessing to others!
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