I'm not terribly excited. I'm excited to have it done, but I am SO over having the house torn up
and destroyed with tools, 2X4s, and paint cans laying about. I suppose it never ends, does it? Once we complete this project, we'll likely move onto another. Yet, I must admit, this will greatly improve the ease of use of our home as this will be the KIDS bathroom. It's just off of their bedrooms, and will make the process of the usual bedtime bath MUCH easier. For now....the only thing I can think about it the mess that will first consume the house.

Giving our lives to, and following Christ is much the same way. There's no clear cut, clean, easy way of doing it, and there's a lot of messy work to be done in between. To the unbeliever, I'm sure we look crazy for taking such a difficult route---because the true peace and joy cannot be seen on the outside. The joys and treasures of this world are not on that difficult route. There are plenty of holes to stumble in along the way, and in some cases half the road is missing! (I know some days I feel like half my road is missing!!) However, if we endure the hardship of following Him, it is well worth anything we could imagine. Matthew 6:19-21 states, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure it, there your heart will be also."
Our time on this planet is that rough, messy road.. It's abrasive, going in an absolute opposite direction. The world wants us to take the 'easy' way out and follow the crowds, constantly enticing us with promises that tell of fulfilling our own desires. Sure, it might be easier in the short run, and you may even find enjoyment temporarily along those paths---but I guarantee trouble will follow, the enjoyment will be short lived, and you will be searching for the next greatest thing the world has to offer to fill that gap. A gap Christ Himself can only fill.
Sticking to Biblical principles and Christs' true word are NOT easy in this crazy world we live in. We are quickly becoming a society, and world in which open opinions are not allowed, unless they are the more popular worldview. And if you choose to stand up for what you believe in your heart to be the truth, though it be the minority, you will be verbally attacked, discarded, and told that you are literally a horrible person for having your own opinion. Sound crazy?! It's happened to me......multiple times. However, the Bible says to take joy in persecution, and that we are blessed---so I can only assume I must be doing something right! :) Matthew 5:11 is pretty clear, "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." So, even though standing up for God's sovereign word isn't always the easiest route, Christ reminds us persecution will happen, and we're blessed when it does! Think about Christs' persecution on the cross.....I'd say that was a pretty rough road to pick. Certainly not the easiest by worldly standards, and how easy he could have denied being "King of the Jews" and avoided the cross. But Christ chose the route that led to God---and thankfully, for the rest of us, was a choice that has saved us---literally, from the depths of hell.
I know in my heart what I believe to be true, and no one can tell me different. Those with differing opinions than myself I do encourage to express their opinion. However, when I am told that I cannot express my worldview just because it's different, just because the world thinks it's not politically correct---sorry, I'm going to do it anyways. The evidence of what Christ endured for me is enough for me to be convinced his words are absolute fact. Christ is my rock, and I will stand upon His words---even the less popular ones by worldly opinion. I have chosen to take the less traveled road, the more difficult one by far, but I know in the midst of this messy construction on my soul, my treasure is stored up with Christ. One day I long to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant"
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